************************* 14 Wing Greenwood v3*************************
For FS2004
By Serge Duguay

This scenery features an accurate and detailed scenery of 14 Wing Greenwood (CYZX), Nova Scotia Canada.

If you need fuel at 14 Wing Greenwood, you will have to add it manually yourself into your aircraft. (Aircraft/Fuel) 100 LL AVGAS is no longer available since the Greenwood Flight Centre (Taxiway H) moved to nearby Waterville however, JP-8 is available everywhere except inside 13 Hangar.

NOTE: Some buildings have to be done yet. However the many aspects the scenery is very useable.


If you have previous version of Greenwood installed, remove all old files before installing Version 3.

1. Unzip these files directly into the FS2004/Addon Scenery subdirectory,
2. Add this new scenery folder in the scenery libary.

(If you don't know how to do that please refer to the help files of FS2004.)


Version 3 includes the following enhancements. The Greenwood Flight Centre and the AVGAS pumping facilities has been removed. The Greenwood Flight Centre no longer operates from YZX. The addition of the Primary Surveilance Radar on the North mountain is included.

THANKS (This scenery would not been possible without):

Airport For Windows V3.0 Built 188 - Pascal Meziat, Tom Hiscox, and Brian McWilliams
Easy Object Designer - Matthias Brückner
Ramp Lights Macro (ramplights.zip) - Paul Roberts
Airport Security Fences (fenceap2.zip and bgfncapi.zip) - Michael Rodriguez
Wind Socks (ap_sock.zip) - Peter Leadbeater

Happy Flying!!

Serge Duguay
sergeduguay@hotmail.com (Include "GREENWOOD" or "CYZX" in subject field of e-mail)

Constructive feedback is encouraged.


The author will not be responsible for any damage done to your FS program or your computer.

This is strictly FREEWARE!!! Do not make any money off this sceney in any way.

You may make changes to the scenery if you wish, as long as you contact me and keep my name.